Saturday, December 5, 2009

Texas STaR Chart Presentation

Texas STaR Chart - Lake Worth High School

TX Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020: Teaching & Learning; Educator Preparation & Development; Leadership, Administration & Instructi

The TX Long Range Plan addresses the area of Educator Preparation and Development. This is the area that addresses professional development in the application of technology in the classroom and progressive instructional methods. Professional development is addressed through mediums such as classroom instruction, computer based training, online learning, and lecture. Because of the rapid evolution of technology and the appreciation of the different types of learners professional development has become the focus of school districts as well as state and federal agencies.

I believe there has been progress in the emphasis of continued learning of educators as indicated with the amount of time now required of educators. This is an improvement, but is often seen as a hindrance by the educator. It is not viewed as essential to the educational process, it is viewed as a reason to hire more administrators and pad stats concerning the district.

Professional development should be designed as interactive, relevant, and easily applicable lessons meant to enhance the learning environment and not add undue pressures and hours to the educator. Many times a district will have an 8 hour class on new technology insist it is to be used and implemented in all classrooms then not have the additional support available to the educators in the actual day-to-day application. This is where instructional support should be used with the customer’s needs as the focus. The customer in this case is the educator and should be treated that way. If the increase in professional development is to be effective it must be provided in a manner that treats the educator with respect and is supported as it would be in a consumer driven environment.